New Book Tells Powerful Stories of Triumph Amid Coronavirus

A new book takes a positive approach toward the current global tribulations by interviewing over 20 people about their experiences, triumphs, and moments of growth in these unprecedented times.  

The coronavirus has changed the face of reality for billions around the globe. Within the Jewish community, simchos have been celebrated with less than a minyan in attendance, people’s livelihoods and lives have been altered in unfathomable ways, and levayahs have become far too frequent. 

As its title suggests the new book “World in Lockdown” is about the harrowing new reality that the world has been facing for far too long. In this book, Chaya Sara Ben Shachar takes a candid and positive approach toward the global tribulations, interviewing over twenty people from around the world about their experiences, triumphs, and moments of growth in these unprecedented times.  

There are stories of brisim, weddings, and bar mitzvahs all joyously celebrated as historic moments alongside tales of chassadim and good middos. What Chaya Sara Ben Shachar has set out to do in this contemporary book, is to provide a window into the lives of Jews in various ages, stages, and locations, who somehow connect with the G-dly and Divine despite trying circumstances.

This is a book of Jews around the world and includes stories of Shluchim in Italy, Cyprus, and China. Shluchim who’ve been forced into introspection and change due to their personal circumstances and the sweeping global shifts. There are stories of Lubavitchers in not such far-flung locations as well (Florida, Canada, and Israel) who celebrate major milestones in unplanned ways, coming out as stronger people and better Jews despite, or perhaps because, of the opportunities of the moment.

World in Lockdown has been in stores for little over a month and it tells the tale of the first wave of the novel coronavirus. It is our fervent wish that the book quickly become a history book, but in the meantime, it tells the tale of remarkable resilience and growth in current times.

The book is available here from Tfutza Publishers.

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