New ‘Bitachon Journal’ Gives Tools to Make the Trust Real

Newly released by Chayenu, ‘My Bitachon Journal’ is a companion to their widely popular Shaar Habitachon, and helps translate the concepts learned in the text into day-to-day life.

For some bitachon seems to be a catchword, For others, it might come across as a theoretical concept which is studied about, but with little practical application. A new ‘Bitachon Journal’, produced by Chayenu, is setting out to change that.

The journal is a companion volume to the widely popular Fellig Edition Shaar Habitachon, published by Chayenu and Kehot. It aims to go a step further and help children (and adults) take that sacred text and apply it to their everyday life. 

“Filling our children and students with Bitachon and trust in Hashem is perhaps our most significant obligation and challenge. It is not enough to merely believe in Hashem; we must integrate this belief into our daily lives,” the editors write in the introduction. 

Faced with a challenge how to help children integrate their faith, they considered numerous options before coming up with the idea for a bitachon journal. Unlike teaching or studying models, which can remain abstract, the journal is meant to be filled in by each child, making it their personal project.

Each entry in the journal begins with a quote from Shaar Habitachon, and then then move on to numerous types of activities and questions that challenge the journal keeper to come to their own conclusions about the many topics of Faith and Trust.

The journal entry then guides the child to focus on how Hashem plays the most significant role in the “discussion area.” It also helps them be mentally prepared for a better reaction when a situation arises with a “bottom line” quote and other activities.

Throughout the entry, there are spaces for the child to write their thoughts and feelings, jot down their challenges and how they overcame them, and write pointers on how to deal with obstacles in the future. A strong focus is put on realizing that there is always a Higher Power holding their hands, even, or perhaps especially, at trying times. 

“The intended age for the journal is 8 to 14, and the design is slightly more feminine, but the journal can be, and is, relatable to boys and girls of all ages. The instructions are written in a style that the young can comprehend. Still, they are activities, conclusions, and thoughtful journal questions suitable for young and old, male or female,” the editors said. 

The journal and project was sponsored by Howard and Claire Glowinsky and Getzy and Alisa Fellig. While originally intended to come out at a later date, the publication date was pushed up due to horrific events in Eretz Yisroel and subsequent war, to help strengthen bitachon at a time it is so needed.

“It is our hope that this journal will help many start a journey filled with inspiration, discovery, a deepening of faith and much yiddishe nachas,” the editor said.  

Sample of the Journal HERE

Buy the journal on Amazon HERE or via the CH Shipping Center HERE 

To order the journal in bulk for your school email [email protected]

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