Netanyahu Welcomes CTeen Shluchim Ahead of Gimmel Tammuz

Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu welcomed a delegation of CTeen shluchim and youth from across Eretz Yisroel on Wednesday to hear about their activities and future plans.

On Wednesday, the day before Gimmel Tammuz, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed a delegation of tens of CTeen shluchim from across Eretz Yisroel, along with youth who join their programs, at his office in Yerushalayim.

The purpose of the meeting was to learn about the shluchim’s extensive activities in the dozens of branches they have established throughout the country and to salute the group of teens, who were being recognized for their exceptional roles in the CTeen programs to provide companionship for the elderly members of their respective communities.

Netanyahu mentioned some of his numerous meetings with the Rebbe, and noted that it was especially appropriate that the delegation was visiting on the eve of Gimmel Tammuz. “Spreading light is the call of the hour. You are building the future generation, carrying the burning torch of the Jewish people. Our task is to multiply light in the face of great darkness,” he told them.

The Prime Minister also expressed his amazement at the extensive activities of CTeen in Eretz Yisroel, which engages thousands of its members to dedicate time to activities with the elderly, lonely, and Holocaust survivors. “You are doing holy work. You will discover that the more you give, the more you receive. Your work is a true blessing for the people of Israel,” he told the teens.

Rabbi Moshe Shilat, who heads CTeen in Eretz Yisroel together with his wife Mrs. Bracha Shilat, thanked the Prime Minister for welcoming the delegation. “CTeen is today a pioneering force of young men and women who are connected to the Land of Israel, Judaism, and its values of helping one another,” he said.

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