Netanyahu, Gantz Form Unity Government

National Unity Party chairman former Defense Minister Benny Gantz reached an agreement with Netanyahu to join the government in light of the Hamas war against Israel.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and National Unity Party chairman MK Benny Gantz reached an agreement today (Wednesday) at the end of their meeting on the establishment of an emergency unity government in light of the Hamas-launched war against the State of Israel.

The main points of the agreements are as follows:

1. A “war management cabinet” will be established with three members: the prime minister, the defense minister, and the chairman of the National Unity party. In addition, Lt. Col. (res.) Gadi Eisenkot and Minister Ron Dermer will serve as observers in the war management cabinet.

2. From the National Unity Party, a total of five ministers without portfolio will be added to the political-security cabinet (with one of them as an observer): Benny Gantz, Gideon Sa’ar, Gadi Eisenkot and two other ministers. This is for the duration of the war.

3. A place in the war management cabinet will be reserved for the chairman of the opposition if he joins the unity government.

4. During the duration of the war, no bills or government decisions will be promoted that do not concern the conduct of the war. All senior appointments will be automatically extended during the duration of the war.

A speech to the nation by Netanyahu and Gantz is expected during the evening, and even beforehand, there will be a meeting of the expanded cabinet that will authorize the activities of the war cabinet.

MK Matan Kahana from the National Unity Party: responded, “A unified emergency government is what is needed now to lead to victory in the war. With God’s help, we will do it and we will succeed.”

Culture and Sports Minister Miki Zohar responded to the news: “Thank God there is a unity government for the State of Israel. And now, we are all together for victory in the war and the complete destruction of Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza. This is what the people of Israel expected from us because only together will we win, with God’s help.”

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