Nachas Evening Gives Each Child Chance to Shine

A special Chanukah event for students of Ohr Menachem in Crown Heights, and their parents gave each student the opportunity to shine, and each parent the chance to enjoy pure nachas.

A special ‘Latkes Ovent’ took place on the 4th lichtel of Chanuka for students of Ohr Menachem in Crown Heights, and their parents. The annual ‘Neiros Lehoir’ evening gives an opportunity for every student in the school to shine, and every parent to enjoy pure nachas.

Parents got a chance to see their son, and his accomplishments celebrated and got a vivid display of young chassidishe talent.

The evening began with a special presentation by Kita Vov. Following months of in-depth Limud Hatorah, learning about the mishkan in parshiyos Teruma & Tezave. and of the Beis Hamikdash – in Mishnayos Yuma, the boys prepared life-size models of all Keilim of the Mishkan with their Melamed Rabbi Levi Belinov. The models were set up for parents to see and enjoy.

Following the guided tour of Kita Vov, the Menahel Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz invited Reb Berel Lipskar, member of the Vaad Ruchni of Cheder Ohr Menachem, to light the Menora of Pirsumei Nissa.

The Hadloka was followed by an amazing ‘Haneiros Halalu’, sung by the Ohr Menachem Kita Hey Choir, led masterfully by Hatomim Avrohom Rachamim.

The parents and talmidim were then addressed by the menahel kloli Rabbi Menachem Mendel Hakohen Hendel. He shared how, Baruch Hashem, the cheder has been a beacon of light for the Shchuna in Yiddishkait, Chassidishkait and leading a life of Geula. He warmly thanked all the staff and parents and concluded by benching all with Birkas Kohanim.

Kita Gimmel took the stage and presented Perek Gimmel Tanya Baal Peh as a preview for parents of the amazing results of our 12 perokim TBP program.

When Kita Gimmel concluded, the leaders of the program, Rabbi Chanoch Henich Hecht with Rabbi Avrohom Rainitz, Curriculum Director of Ohr Menachem, gave out seforim to the top achiever in the TBP program. The assembled then all watched a powerful story of the Rebbe brought to life by video presentation created by Kita Zayen and hatomim Avi Fridman.

Then The Ohr Menachem Tzivos Hashem Base Commander Hatomim Meir Shlomo Zaltzman then gave rewards to all talmidim who advanced and grew in their rank. 

“All Yidden are part of one giant menorah,” said the organizers of the event. “We are all lit by Neshoma Klolis – the Nosi of our Dor. May we merit the Hisgalus of the Rebbe. Moshiach Now!”

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