Museum Cafe Owner Breaks Intermarriage After Camp’s Visit

While visiting a Holocaust museum, L’man Achai Teen Division’s Head Counselor Sholom Yaffe spoke about protecting ourselves from a spiritual Holocaust by living Jewishly. Astonishingly, the owner of the museum cafe overheard this and decided to break up with a non-Jewish girl he was dating.

The Teen Division of Camp L’man Achai embarked on an awesome two-day trip to New York City. Traveling on air-conditioned coach buses, their first stop was “ax throwing”, where they competed in games, and some even had the skill to hit a bullseye! 

After dinner, the group then visited the Ohel. As a Hachana, the teens participated in a mivtza to wear tzitzis, especially in public. They also learned about the Rebbe. Once at the Ohel, they shared personal stories about the Rebbe and wrote letters, finding the experience very inspirational. Of course, the teens enjoyed the Ohel Cookies and refreshments.

The group visited 770, davened, and sang. After breakfast and clean up at Oholei Torah, they headed to The Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, where the boys discovered meaningful connections to our past.

Together with the counselors, they farbrenged at the museum’s gardens and grounds. Head Counselor Sholom Yaffe explained how during the War the Yidden went through a physical holocaust and now we can make sure that a spiritual holocaust should never happen. One way to accomplish this is by marrying Jewish and not intermarrying. Astonishingly, the owner of the museum cafe overheard this and came over to say that he was dating a non-Jewish girl and because of what he had just heard, was inspired to break up with her! The campers then sang Ani Maamin and Am Yisroel Chai in the Garden of Trees Memorial.  

Amazingly, after the visit, the camp director received the following note from Evelyn, one of the three tour guides at the museum “I hosted your amazing group of campers and madrichim… I’ve gotten lots of thank you notes from other groups over the years, but this is the first time I’ve found the need to write a note of appreciation to any group. May they continue to grow in Torah and good deeds and be a source of Nachat to all of Klal Yisroel.” 

The group then visited Times Square, where they danced on the Big Red Stairs, making a huge kiddush Hashem, and garnering cheers and videos from many onlookers. The campers continued with helping the surrounding crowds put on tefillin, getting around 30-40 people to put on tefillin. This was a huge feat, since many of the teens have only recently learned about Tefillin themselves. 

After breaking for lunch at a Kosher Café in Midtown Manhattan, the group then walked the Brooklyn Bridge getting to view the beautiful Manhattan skyline. They again danced on the Brooklyn Bridge before heading back to Crown Heights for a tour and scavenger hunt in many kosher stores. 

The day ended with ice cream rewards treat for wearing tzitzis and the Teen Division returned to camp for a well-deserved rest.

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  1. This camp literally changes lives every single summer.
    Get the word out!
    Chage the world one yid at a time!
    Moshiach now

  2. My grandson had an amazing time in camp. The staff was wonderful and they had great activities for them. Yasher Koach!

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