Multilevel Chanuka Menorah

Ask the Rov: Must the lights of a menorah be in a straight line?

By Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin – Rov of Anash in Petach Tikvah

Shulchan Aruch rules that multiple wicks along the circumference of a bowl are invalid for the mitzva of Chanuka candles since the flames combine with each other and resemble a torch (medurah). This dissimilarity to the menorah in the Beis Hamikdash disqualifies them from counting even as one candle.1 The Rama quotes Rabbeinu Peretz that also when using wax candles, they may likewise not be arranged in a circle resembling a torch.2

The Magen Avrohom records that the Maharil saw Chanuka candles arranged in a zig-zag, and he instructed they be placed in a straight line so they don’t appear like a torch.3 The Mishna Berurah understands it as a precaution, lest one come to arrange them in a circle (which resembles a torch).4 Aruch Hashulchan expressed concern that it won’t be clear that all the candles are part of the same menorah.5

Yet, the Rama quotes the Terumas Hadeshen that a candelabra with candlesticks extending in a circle does qualify as a menorah since the candles are apart from each other.6 Poskim mention a separation of an etzba (2 cm) between the flames. Some poskim, however, hold that the separation of the cups’ walls is sufficient, and the design makes it apparent that they are separate lights. Although separate cups or holders would allow placing them in a circle as well, it’s still considered more mehudar to have them in a line.

What about having them at different heights? Later acharonim mention that candles should all be placed on the same level without any higher or lower.7 Although it is questionable if it is required, the accepted custom is for the base of the candles to be at approximately the same level.

In practice, we endeavor lchatchila that the lights of a menorah should be in a straight line even when there are separate cups or holders for the candles.

See Sources (open PDF)

From The Weekly Farbrengen by Merkaz Anash


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