Mrs. Yael Harrouch, AH

Mrs. Yael Harrouch, a beloved mother and teacher in Toronto, Canada passed away on Tuesday, 4 Av, 5781.

Mrs. Yael Harrouch, a beloved member of the Chabad community in Toronto, Canada passed away on Tuesday, 4 Av, 5781.

Mrs. Harrouch was a much-beloved teacher in a number of schools in Toronto. She was held in high esteem by all her students.

She is survived by her husband Avraham and their children.

The levaya will take place today outside Steeles Memorial Chapel at 1:30 pm, Kvurah at Pardes Sholom Chabad Section at 3:00 pm.

Shivah will be observed at the Harrouch residence 17 Dorchester Drive.

Baruch Dayan Haemes.

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  1. Mrs. Yael Harrouch A”H radiated an unusually cheerful happy optimism in all of her actions and in all of her speech; and certainly this was an honest reflection of her pure thoughts and her profound belief. She consistently dedicated her life to fulfilling the multitude of responsibilities that accompany sincere dedication to mitzvot, including all aspects which characterize a faithful daughter of Israel. May the merits of her life continue to inspire others; and may her memory be for a blessing.

  2. B.D.E.
    So sorry to hear this very tragic news.
    May Hashem comfort
    the family with good news,
    Mashiach now !

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