Mrs. Shula Hartstein, 86, AH

Mrs. Shula Hartstein, who together with her husband, Reb Mordechai, were the proprietors of the legendary Hartstein’s Clothing, passed away on Tuesday, 13 Cheshvan, 5782.

Mrs. Shula Hartstein, who together with her husband, Reb Mordechai, were the proprietors of the legendary Hartstein’s Clothing, passed away.

She was 86 years old.

R’ Mordechai and Shula Hartstein were known for their clothing store on New Utrecht Avenue, which sold kapotes. The store was a favorite of many many Lubavitchers who would purchase their Kapotes from them. 

Mrs. Hartstein was born in Romania in 1935, to her parents, Reb Yaakov and Rivka Rosenfeld. She was fortunate to survive the war, and made it to Eretz Yisroel. There she met Mordechai Hartstein from the Hungarian town of Zenta, where the Beirach Moshe of Satmar began his Rabbonus, and where the Hartstein began their relationship with the Rebbe that would last until the Rebbe’s passing, BoroPark24 reported.

They returned to America, where they settled in Boro Park, and launched their clothing business together. She worked alongside her husband every single day, and continued to run the business after his passing—for a total of six decades.

In this time, Hartstein’s was renowned for its uncompromising quality, and became the preferred locale for the Lubavitcher chassidim to acquire their “sirtuk” frocks.

For all of their years, the Hartstein’s were an important part of the Sigheter Shul, and Reb Mordechai was a revered depository of memories and recollections of prewar Satmar.

Although they did not merit children of their own, the Hartstein’s nieces and nephews were like children to them. Visitors to the store would notice how they were always calling her to the store, sharing their lives with her, and she would travel regularly to spend the Yomim Tovim with them in Eretz Yisroel.

With the passing of Mrs. Hartstein, Boro Park has lost a legend, and a vestige of prewar Torah Jewry.

The levaya took place at the Sigheter Beis Medrash at 11:00 Tuesday morning.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

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