Mrs. Sara Goldberg, a young mother from Los Angeles, who bravely battled a terrible illness, passed away on Wednesday, 6 Adar II, 5782.
Mrs. Sara Goldberg, a young mother from Los Angeles, who bravely battled a terrible illness, passed away on Wednesday, 6 Adar II, 5782.
She was 38 years old.
Through her 5 year-long battle, Sara (nee Finkelstein) inspired many with her Emunah and bitachon in face of the terrible illness.
She is survived by her husband Shmuli Goldberg and her three young children Chana, Devorah, and Mendel.
The funeral will be held on Today, Zayin Adar, passing Congregation Levi Yitzchak at 2:00 PM.
Kvurah will be 3:00 pm at Mount Olive Cemetery.
Baruch Dayan Haemes.
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