Mrs. Rosaline Dawood, 101, AH

Mrs. Rosaline Dawood, who grew up in Bombay, India, and later lived in Burma, London, Nigeria, and Ghana, and merited to meet the Rebbe and raise a family of proud Jews, passed away on Motzei Shabbos.

Mrs. Rosaline Dawood, who grew up in Bombay, India, and later lived in Burma, London, Nigeria, and Ghana, and merited to meet the Rebbe and raise a family of proud Jews, passed away in Yerushalayim on Motzei Shabbos, 15 Teves, 5782.

She was 101 years old.

Mrs. Dawood was born in Karachi in 1920 to Ezra and Rachel Chana (née Cohen) Nissim. She grew up in Bombay, India.

Upon her marriage to Mordechai Dawood in 1947 she moved to Rangoon, Burma.

In 1961 the family left Burma as it became more and more difficult for the Jews there, and settled in London, England. Due to her husband not being allowed to join the Union because he was a Jew, they had to commute to work in Nigeria and Ghana. Being the only Jews there, she made her own raisin grape juice weekly for Shabbos and lived and raised her children as proud Jews.

She was zoche to have yechidus with the Rebbe in 1980 and be in the Rebbes daled amos multiple times. The last time she received a dollar from The Rebbe was Chof Vov Adar 5752.

She is survived by her son Avraham (Albert) Dawood – Ra’anna Eretz Yisroel; Florence Sulam – Ramat Bait Shemesh Eretz Yisroel; Simcha Hecht – Crown Heights; grandchildren and great-grandchildren, many whom have the zchus to be the Rebbes shluchim.

She was predeceased by her husband Mordichai Tzalach and daughter Esther Malka De-Vries.

The levaya will be held at Shamgar Funeral Home in Yerushalayim on Sunday at 10:00 AM, with the kevura on Har Hazeisim.

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  1. I met her numerous times, what an unbelievably special lady! She always had a big smile on her face and words of praise to Hashem. Even in difficult situations, she would never ever complain. I visited her when she was in bed with a dislocated shoulder (due to a reckless bus driver) and connected to machines, all she would say is thanks to Hashem! Such pure and simple emunah!!

  2. Sounds like a very special lady, may she rest in peace and be an inspiration to her grandchildren and great grandchildren.

  3. What a legacy, a woman you can be proud of and look up to. May she rest in peace, wishing you all long life. Baruch Dayan HaEmes

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