Mrs. Masha Vogel, 64, AH

Mrs. Masha Vogel, Shlucha to Rochester, NY passed away on Yom Kippur, after battling an illness.

Mrs. Masha Vogel, Shlucha to Rochester, NY passed away on Yom Kippur, after battling an illness.

She was 64 years old.

She was the daughter of Rabbi Shmuel Meir and Batsheva Silberstein, the founders of the Chabad community in Antwerp.

After her marriage to Rabbi Nechemia Vogel, the couple moved to Rochester, NY where they have served as shluchim for the past 40 years.

She is survived by her husband Nechemia Vogel and children Devorah Leah Yaras – Rochester, NY; Rishi Hein – Rochester, NY; Levi Vogel – S. Augustine, FL; Chaim Vogel – Crown Height; Moshe Vogel – Rochester, NY; Mushkie Posner – Kingston, PA; Chezky Vogel – Missoula, MT; Shayna Vogel – Rochester, NY; Mendel Vogel – Rochester, NY; and Yossi Vogel – Rochester, NY.

She is also survived by her siblings Risha Slavaticki – Antwerp, Belgium, and Eli Silberstein– Ithaca, NY.

She was predeceased by her brothers Yossi Silberstein and Zelig Silberstein.

Levaya and shiva information will be added.

Baruch Dayan Haemes.

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