Mrs. Adina Leitner, 95, AH

Mrs. Adina (Alberta) Leitner of Melville, NY, a beloved mother and grandmother who dedicated her career to teaching and counseling youth, passed away on Monday, 1 Cheshvan, 5784.

Mrs. Adina (Alberta) Leitner of Melville, NY, a beloved mother and grandmother who dedicated her career to teaching and counseling youth, passed away on Monday, 1 Cheshvan, 5784.

She was 95 years old.

Mrs. Leitner was an 8th generation American who grew up during the Great Depression in the Bronx and then in Queens. She came from a modest home with meager means which taught her the value of chesed and tzedakah. She was influenced by her mother from an early age to take pride as a Jew which later influenced her love for Israel. 

Mrs. Leitner held a Master’s degree in Education and a Master’s degree in Psychology. A gifted woman, she dedicated her 45 year career to teaching and counseling youth in the NYC public school system. She passed her quest for knowledge and passion for reading on to her children and many students. She was also a talented painter, writer, and knitter.

Mrs. Leitner is survived by her children Yisroel Leitner (Philadelphia), Refoel Leitner (Monsey), Aviel Leitner (Pesach Tikvah), Rachel Leah Givre (Melville) and Alexsander Leitner (Manhattan), grandchildren, and great grandchildren.

The family will be observing Shiva at 76 Regina Road, Airmont, NY. The davening schedule is:

Wed     Shacharis 8am Mincha 5:55pm Maariv 9pm

Thu      Shacharis 8am Mincha 5:55pm Maariv 9pm

Fri       Shacharis 8am Mincha 3pm

Sha      Maariv 6:50pm

Sun      Shacharis 8am Mincha 5:50pm Maariv 9pm

Mon     Shacharis 7:50am

Baruch Dayan Haemes.

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