Mothers And Daughters Face-Off in Cooking Competition

Girls from Cheder Chabad Monsey joined their mothers for an evening of friendship and entertainment in honor of the Rebbetzin’s birthday, featuring inspiring addresses and a mother-daughter cooking competition.

By reporter

Girls from Cheder Chabad Monsey joined their mothers for an evening of friendship and entertainment in honor of the birthday of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson.

The evening featured an inspiring address by 8th grade student Chayale Mendelow, who spoke beautifully about how we can learn friendship from the Rebbetzin.

The highlight of the evening was “Chopped”- a cooking competition, where mothers competed against students. The competition was followed by a video presentation featuring Cheder Chabad students. The video was released especially for the event, and the final version will be published when it is edited completely.

“A big Yasher Koach goes to our 8th Grade student heads who worked hard to make this event a success. Chaya Frankel, Abby Lipszyc, Yael Zigelboum, Dina Reisner, Rochel Krasnjanski, Aliza Cohen, Mushky Schild, and Rivka Friedman,” organizers said.

“A big thank you also goes to Mrs. Rosenbluh for putting her heart and soul into our girls and making sure they shine,” they said.

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