Mother of Hostage Looking for Someone to Wear His Tefillin

On Simchas Torah, 22-year-old Bar Kupershtein was kidnapped to Gaza. As a zechus to bring him home, his mother, Julie, is looking for someone who does not yet put on tefillin daily to don Bar’s tefillin daily, but with one condition.

By reporter

On Simchas Torah, 22-year-old Bar Kupershtein was kidnapped to Gaza. His mother, Julie, is looking for a special merit to bring her son home.

Now, she put out a request that someone who does not yet put on tefillin daily don his tefillin daily, but with one condition: that he return them to Bar when he comes home soon with Hashem’s help.

Do you know someone in Eretz Yisroel who doesn’t put on tefillin and would like to do this special mitzva every day to bring back Bar and bring comfort to his heartbroken mother?

Reach out to Rikki at 972-50-668-1550.

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