Moshiach Contest Winners Announced at Grand Siyum 

The International Moshiach Contest came to a close with over 500 kids tuning in for the closing farbrengen, where they celebrated their accomplishment of completing the Maamor Ve’ata Tetzave. 

The International Moshiach Contest came to a close with over 500 kids tuning in for the closing farbrengen, where they celebrated their accomplishment of completing the Maamor Ve’ata Tetzave. 

The Farbrengen event included lively narration by MC Rabbi Mendel Lerman, Shliach in Peachtree Corners, GA, who welcomed kids with energy and enthusiasm. Special guest Rabbi Dovid Goldshmidt joined to farbreng about the Maamor’s concepts in a kid-friendly way.

“Everyone thinks about where you feel your neshama the most,” Rabbi Goldshmidt opened. “Is it during davening? At shul? Well because of the Rebbe, we can feel our neshamos wherever we are and no matter what we are doing! Even when we’re eating breakfast or playing basketball, our Emunah is always there.”

The third grade class of Rabbi Dovid Goldstein from United Lubavitcher Yeshiva, Crown Heights, recorded a funny and relatable video where every single student raises their hand to answer every single question asked by their Rebbi!

After niggunim and the twelve pesukim, the farbrengen wrapped up with an address by Rabbi Motti Rubin, Shliach in Albany, NY: “This is the last Maamor we received from the Rebbe, and it was delivered the same year that the Rebbe started Tzivos Hashem!” Rabbi Rubin shared, before going on to tell a captivating story of the Rebbe.

The climax of the event came with the announcement of the Tut Altz Moshiach Project Contest winners by everyone’s favorite Rabbi, Rabbi Itchy Kadoozy

In third place was Chana Tevel from Ateres Chaya Mushka, Crown Heights, who put together a depiction of how the Rebbe teaches us how to make every aspect of life neshamadik.

In second place was Yisroel Gurary of Ohr Temimim, Buffalo, who constructed a diorama out of cardboard, demonstrating the contrast between the generation of mesiras nefesh and our own.

First place went to Yehudis Rendel and Malkie and Chana Heidingsfeld from Bais Menachem, Manchester, whose project also demonstrated the contrast of the generation of mesiras nefesh and our own, and was created completely out of clay!

And finally, the grand prize winner… *cue drum roll* was Shmuli Sasonkin and Nochum Benjaminson of Oholei Torah, Crown Heights. They built a mini Moshiach time machine that takes you on a journey through a maze with scenes that bring the entire Maamar of Ve’ata Tetzveh to life in a brilliant immersive manner!

Click here to download.

“We’re proud of every single child who entered the contest and every child who took part in learning the Maamor,” says Mina Adelman, contest director of the Moshiach Office at Merkos 302. 

Chosen from submissions of all stripes and types, the winning entries stood out to the judges for their unique style and clear presentation of the Maamor’s concepts.

“We’ve been blown away by the creativity and the depth of the contestant’s knowledge,”

says Mrs. Gitel Naparstek, co-director of the Moshiach Office at Merkos 302. “Choosing the winners was definitely not easy.”

Many of the runner-up projects, presented here, demonstrate creative ways of explaining and depicting key concepts of the foundational Maamer of Ve’ata Tetzaveh:

A project by Menachem Mendel Schneier, of Cheder Levi Yitzchok in Melbourne Australia, explains the theme of the Maamer: a Raaya Mehemna; the faithful shepherd of each generation who nurtures the Emunah of the Yidden like a shepherd nurtures his flock.

The notable Raaya Mehemna’s of history highlighted in the Maamar are Moshe Rabbeinu, Mordechai, and the Frierdiker Rebbe as seen in the project by Yehudis Rendel, Malkie, and Chana Heidingsfeld, First Place winners of the contest (above)!

Click here to download.

Who was the greatest Raaya Mehemna? See the project by Yitzchak Blachman, of United Lubavitcher Yeshiva, Crown Heights, where he compares the two generations of Yetzias Mitzrayim-Matan Torah, and Mordechai in time of Galus!

The Rebbe then goes on to flesh out the accomplishments of each one, as seen in the project by Levi Yitzchok Kats of Cheder Chabad, Toronto, Canada,

Click here to download.

“A project like this gives us much hope and Nachas,” says Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302. “When we see how the children aren’t just learning and absorbing but creating projects of their own and teaching the Rebbe’s words.” 

Missed the event? Watch the full farbrengen here: events

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The entire Ve’atah Tetzaveh curriculum will be available next week on Amazon just in time for Gimmel Tammuz. 


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