Moshe Meyers, 5, AH

Moshe Meyers, the 5-year-old son of Rabbi Ami and Zisi Meyers of Los Angeles, passed away suddenly on Monday, 13 Teves. Levaya today, Tuesday, in Los Angeles at 4:00 PM.

Moshe Meyers, the 5-year-old son of Rabbi Ami and Zisi (nee Gordon) Meyers of Los Angeles, passed away suddenly on Monday, 13 Teves.

The Meyers live in the La Brea area of Los Angeles, and his father runs a law firm in Beverly Hills.

The Levaya will take place today, Tuesday in Los Angeles at 4 pm at at Mount Olive Memorial Park
7231 E Slauson Ave.

The Meyers Family is sitting shiva until Monday at 711 N Cherokee Ave.

Visiting times:
10 am-12 pm & 7-9 pm
Motza’ei Shabbos: 8 – 10 PM

Shacharis: 8:30
Mincha 4:30, followed by Ma’ariv at 5:25
Friday Mincha: 2:00pm

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  1. Thinking about all of you and the extended family. Hashem should give you strength to overcome this tragedy. עד מתי.

  2. I am so so sorry to the loss of your son. My heart goes out out to the whole family. Ad mosai!! AD MOSAI.

  3. We are so sorry to hear of this tragic news. May Moshe’s memory be a blessing. Sending warmth to the whole family. BDE

  4. Ami and Zisi, so so sorry to hear of your terrible loss. We grieve with you from afar, may Moshe’s sweet memories be a blessing. Love, Uncle Merle and Aunt Carole.

  5. As we say here in Israel, “I share in your sorrow – אני משתתפת בצערכם.” I do. I am baking challa tomorrow bezrat Hashem and when I do hafrashat challa I will put in a tefilla for an aliyat neshma for Moshe. May Mashiach come soon, and may you be reunited. Sending love from Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel.

    Jolie Greiff

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