Moscow Yeshiva Boys Enjoy Waterfront Vacation

Bochurim from Moscow’s Yeshiva Ketana enjoyed a beautiful resort on the Volga River. The hotel was fully equipped with a large study hall and plenty of grassy areas with benches and trees for the boys to relax and learn.

Photos: Mevaser Tov Moscow

Throughout the year they are busy learning Torah and Chassidus from the early morning hours and until late at night. The sons of Rabbis and Shluchim, these boys take their learning very seriously.

This year, once again, in what has already become a tradition thanks to the initiative of Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, the boys were taken for Yeshivas Kayitz to a different location where they could continue learning in a different atmosphere, recharging and refreshing, before coming back for their new zman.

The Yeshivas Kayitz began on the Mesivta premises in the Marina Roscha neighborhood of Moscow, where the students were treated to a series of fascinating classes by various guest rabbis. They then traveled by busses to the city of Nizhni, along with their dedicated Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Moshe Lerman, the staff and the bochrim shluchim, to a beautiful resort area on the Volga River.

The resort was fully equipped for the yeshiva’s needs: A large study hall, four-story hotel, a cafeteria, classrooms, and of course plenty of grassy areas with benches and trees for the boys to relax and learn.

The place was arranged thanks to the Shluchim to Nizhni, Rabbi Shimon Bergman and his dedicated assistant Rabbi Dovid Yakoub, who went above and beyond to ensure that the Yeshivas Kayitz would be the success that it was.

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