Moscow Thanks Its Jewish War Veterans

In honor of Victory Day which marks 77 years since the end of World War II by the Red Army, – the Shaarey Tzedek Jewish Chesed Organization of Moscow dispatched dozens of volunteers to visit War Veterans in their homes.

In honor of Victory Day on the ninth of May – which this year marks 77 years since the end of World War II by the Red Army, – the Shaarey Tzedek Jewish Chesed Organization of Moscow embarked on its annual project “We Say Thank You”.

Dozens of volunteers went to visit War Veterans in their homes, gifting them with a festive basket of Kosher food, helping them don Tefillin, and presenting them with a personal congratulatory letter from Russia’s Chief Rabbi. 

The first visit was paid by the Chief Rabbi of Russia, Berel Lazar, to the home of Mr. Velvel Mulevich, who fought heroically along with his father against the Nazis who tried to conquer Leningrad. The Chief Rabbi affixed a mezuza to his door, and helped him put on Tefillin, which greatly moved the elderly Jew, along with Rabbi’s blessings to him for many more years of health.

In addition to the dozens of Jewish War Veterans, many Holocaust survivors receive regular help with nursing care, warm and nutritious meals, medicines, and any necessary help by the hundreds of employees of the largest Chesed Center in the CIS.

This year, to further enhance this project, students of the Mesivta were recruited, and sent all over Moscow to visit the Veterans, bearing gift baskets and greetings from the Chief Rabbi of Russia. 

Photography: Mevaser Tov Moscow


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