Morristown Yeshiva Celebrates Grand Siyum on Two Masechtos

A celebration at Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim of Morristown marked a siyum on Masechta Gittin and Temura, studied ba’al peh by the bochurim in the Mivtzah Torah program over the past year.

By reporter

A celebration at Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim of Morristown marked the conclusion of highly successful programs that heightened the limmud haTorah in the Yeshiva over the past year.

The first was a Mivtza Torah program, where bochurim studied the entire Maseches Gittin and Temura ba’al peh over the course of the year. The Mivtza brought a noticeable chayus to the yeshiva.

Some 30 bochurim successfully completed this year’s mivtza. The yeshiva organized a beautiful chag hasiyum to celebrate this milestone. They also celebrated the Talmidim in Rabbi Aaron Dovid Gancz’s Halacha B’iyun Shiur who finished all the laws of Bishul and Hatmana in depth. And Rabbi Lerman’s classes that learned many Mesechtas throughout the year.

Emceeing the siyum was Rabbi Chaim Schapiro, menahel of yeshiva and head of ‘Beis Medrash Menachem L’horaa’ – Morristown Smicha Program. Rabbi Schapiro spoke about a letter from the Rebbe to students of Morristown Cheder in 5751 where he writes that a siyum is also really an opportunity for a new beginning in diligence and

Rabbi Moshe Herson, Dean of the Rabbinical College of America and Head Shliach of New Jersey, shared a dvar Torah and some memories of the Rebbe, and some very interesting stories of the Rebbe pertaining to the building of the Yeshiva.

Yossi Hecht delivered a sicha from the Rebbe. Shnuer Zalman Rapaport made the siyum on mesechta Gittin, followed by Mendel Pinson who made a siyum on Mesechta Temurah.

The event was also attended by R’ Shloimy Greenwald and R’ Yehoshua Dubinsky, who generously sponsored the prizes for the Mivtza Torah.

Next was an address by Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Sholom Spalter, who ran the Mivtzah Torah. Followed by Rabbi Gancz who spoke about his shiur and then the awards were given out.


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