Morristown Students Share Fond Memories of Yeshiva Days

VIDEO: For over 50 years, the legendary Yeshiva of Morristown has always been there for its students. To the thousands who were fortunate enough to grace the halls of its campus, Morristown was much more than a Yeshiva, Morristown was home.

For over 50 years, the legendary Yeshiva of Morristown has always been there for its students.

To the thousands who were fortunate enough to grace the halls of its campus, Morristown was much more than a Yeshiva. Morristown was home.

From its humble beginning in Newark, NJ in the early 60s, Morristown was a beacon of light for Torah and Chassidus.

Guided by the Rebbe’s brachos, Morristown has grown to become a flagship institution, boasting a prestigious Beis Medrash, or “Tomchei,” Tiferes, Smicha program led by Rabbi Chaim Schapiro, summer programs, and much much more.

The time has come to look toward the future.

Historically, Time & Again, Tomchei Temimim of Morristown, NJ has always risen to the challenge.
Today is no different.

The time has come to build, and build we shall!
Today, you have the opportunity to stake your claim and be a true partner. 30,000 new square feet of Torah and Chassidus are being added, right here on our beautiful campus!

Brick by brick, we will build this structure into a home of Torah, a home of Chassidus, a home of joy, a home that each and every one of us can truly be proud of.

We ask you to consider joining us in this incredible undertaking, as we catapult this legendary Yeshiva into the next 52 years, and beyond!

Visit and secure your brick!

Secure a brick for yourself, and then secure another brick for your friend, family, and coworker.
Each one unique, but each one a part of something grand and indeed, bigger than all of us!

Time & Again, Morristown has been there for its Talmidim. Today, it’s our turn to be there for Morristown!

Visit today!

Culminating this weeklong fundraising effort will be a gala dinner, where we will celebrate together, and honor one of our very own, Rabbi Chaim Schapiro, in recognition of 25 years of dedication and leadership of the Smicha program.

Rsvp at


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  1. It may be appropriate to mention in the article, at least in name, the long time head Mashpia and Rabbi, Reb Meilech Zweibel Z”L

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