Morristown Cheder Aimed to ‘Keep the Sparks of Chassidus Burning’

Over the weekend the entire Cheder Lubavitch Morristown was able to come together for very inspiring and exciting Yud Tes – Chof Kislev Seudahs and Farbrengens.

Over the weekend the entire Cheder Lubavitch Morristown was able to come together for very inspiring and exciting Yud Tes – Chof Kislev Seudahs and Farbrengens.

The Girls Division gathered for a special Motzei Shabbos melava malka. The lunchroom was turned into a banquet hall by very creative Bnos Chabad Heads who surprised the girls when they walked into a beautiful and uplifting space. Tanya was recited baal peh by Kita Aleph. The other grades participated in performances and games. Finally, inspiring words were shared by Rabbi Shalom Lubin

On Sunday Chof Kislev, the entire Boys Division of Cheder Lubavitch Morristown came together for a program that began with Talmidim singing Podoh V’Sholom, followed by a Siyum on 2 sedorim Mishnayus by Menachem Mendel Hakohen Dubinsky from Kitah Vov. Thank you to Rabbi Yehoshua Dubinsky for sharing with us an inspiring message in honor of Mendel’s Siyum.

Guest speaker, Rabbi Mendy Kasowitz, shared a beautiful story and powerful message that we can take from this special day and for the Yidden in Eretz Yisroel.

A surprise musical performance by Rabbi Segelman on his violin captured the boys’ hearts and set the mood as he played the Daled Bovois and additional nigunim.

The final highlight of the program, Kitah Vov Talmidim together with Rabbi Zeidman presented a remarkable and humorous play, in connection with Yud Tes and Chof Kislev. The program concluded with Mincha and Connection Point raffles.

“It’s really uplifting to hear and see the future of Lubavitch feeling so connected to these special moments in the year. We hope that we can continue imparting excitement and passion in being a ‘chossid of the Rebbe,'” organizers said. 

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