Morocco Shliach Invited to Meet With Satmar Rebbe’s Son

Morocco Shliach Rabbi Levi Banon was invited to meet with Rabbi Yaakov Dov Teitelbaum, son of the Satmar Rebbe Rabbi Zalman Leib, to discuss a number of important issues. He presented him with a sefer of Reb Levi Yitzchok’s Torah.

Morocco Shliach Rabbi Levi Banon was invited to meet with Harav Yaakov Dov Teitelbaum, son of the Satmar Rebbe, to discuss a number of important issues.

Harav Yaakov Dov Teitelbaum, who is the son of the Satmar Rebbe Harav Zalman Leib Teitelbaum, serves as the ‘Siggeter Rov’.

The meeting was held in New York where Rabbi Banon presented the Rov with a sefer of gems culled from the seforim of Harav Levi Yitzchok Schneerson, father of the Rebbe, whose yahrzeit was marked on Wednesday.

Rabbi Banon also shared with his host a number of stories about Reb Levik’s great mesirus nefesh.

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