Morahs Coached in Teaching with Emunah

Over 80 Crown Heights morahs gathered for an evening of appreciation and education by Igud Hamechanchos, with a presentation by R’ Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin on how to educate children with an emunah approach.

By reporter

Over 80 Lubavitch morahs gathered last week in Crown Heights for an evening of appreciation and education. The program featured a presentation by R’ Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin on teaching students using emunah.

The event, organized by Igud Hamechanchos, an organization dedicated to supporting Lubavitch morahs everywhere and an affiliate of Igud Hamelamdim. The morahs, who teach in schools both in Crown Heights and around the New York area, were treated to a light dinner, as they connected with fellow teachers. Then, they were given a workshop by R’ SM Rubashkin.

In his workshop, R’ SM Rubashkin taught how chinuch for Yiddishe children should be based on the child’s neshama and their connection to Hashem. Using stories from his own experiences and from people who he now mentors, he demonstrated how Yidden aren’t limited to human wants and they can rise above them. For this reason, it would be flawed to try and use educational methods that were developed by non-Jewish thinkers on Yiddishe children.

A special gift given for each teacher was a book of the Rebbe’s teachings on living with a healthy mind and spirit. Teachers left deeply impacted and shared how their perspective on chinuch will never be the same.

To download the complete audio, click here.


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