Montreal Mechanchim Gather for Sukkos Farbrengen

Photos: Shneur Man/

Mechanchim who work in the many mosdos chinuch of Montreal gathered together with visiting mechanchim for a special farbrengen to encourage each other in their holy work.

Mechanchim who work in the many mosdos chinuch of Montreal gathered together with visiting mechanchim for a special simchas beis hashoeva farbrengen to encourage each other in their holy work.

Many mashpi’im and melamdim, both local and guests, addressed the farbrengen, in a true display of achdus.

The farbrengen was arranged by Rabbi Y. Menkes and Rabbi CB Teitelbaum, and was sponsored by the recently-formed “Vaad Tomchai Mechanchim” of Montreal, created by local yungelight to support the mechanchim.

The farbrengen was hosted by Congregation Lubavitch in their newly expanded Sukkah.

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