Montreal Dayan Tests Lemaan Yilmedu Students

Over 150 students at Machon Lemaan Yilmedu took a series of tests over several days, given by Harav Dovid Refael Banon, member of the Beis Din in Montreal and Dayan of the Chabad community there.

Over 150 students at Machon Lemaan Yilmedu took a series of tests which took place over several days and were given by Harav Dovid Refael Banon, member of the Beis Din in Montreal and Dayan of the Chabad community there.

The tests were administered to the students of a number of study tracks, some who were studying Semicha – Issur v’Heter, Hilchos Shabbos, Orach Chaim and Shechita. The participants who live in Crown Heights took the test in Lemaan Yilmedu’s learning center, while those students who don’t live in the area participated via Zoom. There was also a separate test for the semicha program for bachurim.

This test follows previous tests given by the rabbanim who are members of the semicha committee: Harav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, Mara d’Asra and member of the Beis Din Tzedek of Crown Heights; Harav Gedalia Oberlander, rav of Heichel Menachem in Monsey; and Harav Gavriel Zinner, author of Nitei Gavriel.

“We at the Machon would like to express our great satisfaction with the results and wish to remind all that registration is now open for next year with no fewer than ten different learning programs, with tracks for balabatim and shluchim/rabbanim,” they said.

Whoever is interested in learning halacha in an organized way, can find the course that’s right for him.

For details and to register:

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