Montreal Anash Gather for Kinus Torah

A post Shavuos Kinus Torah was held in the Yeshiva Shul in Montreal, attended by local Lubavitchers and addressed by Rabbi Moshe Stern and Nachman Yehoshua Kastel.

A post Shavuos Kinus Torah was held in the Yeshiva Shul in Montreal, on Wednesday, Isru Chag.

The Kinus, attended by local Lubavitchers, was held in accordance with the Rebbe’s instructions to hold such gatherings after each Yom Tov.

Addressing the Kinus Torah were by Rabi Moshe Stern, rov of the Tzeirie Hadas Shul and a ra”m in the Montreal Yeshiva, and Nachman Yehoshua Kastel, a bochur shliach to the Yeshiva.

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