Montana Shlucha Launches Online Tanya Series

Seeing so many young Jews seeking depth and life perspective in secular sources, Montana Shlucha Chavie Bruk decided to expand her weekly Tanya shiur to offer the Alter Rebbe’s perspective on life’s issues.

Almost one year after launching her now famous blog ClearAsMud, Montana Shlucha Chavie Bruk realized there is a real need for Tanya, the incredible founding document of Chassidus Chabad, to be taught and internalized by Torah observant Jews.

As so many young Jews seek depth and life perspective in secular sources of enlightenment, including with parenting gurus, in self-help books and podcast of all flavors, she really wanted to share with others the Alter Rebbe’s foundational approach to life that helped her traverse through her life challenges.

Tanya wasn’t new to her, as she always enjoyed the “Aha” moments in Tanya study going back to her days at Lubavitch Girls High School in Chicago. Over a year ago she started a weekly class for her local community in Montana which has been going strong and created countless discussions about the Neshama, G-d, Torah, Emunah, Bitachon, Ruchniyus and so much more.

Every Sunday morning a Minyan or so of devoted women gather on Zoom to delve into the depth and breath of Tanya. As they reached Perek Lamed Beis, chapter 32, witnessing the change it has brought these women in their lives, Chavie, whose Instagram following is growing and reaches Jews across the world, decided to dive in, adding a second weekly class, this time sharing Tanya outside of her home state.

The new class started just a few weeks ago in a live Zoom setting and the classes are then uploaded on YouTube and Apple Podcasts.

“The response has been so positive, so genuine” said Chavie, who together with her family serve as Shluchim in Bozeman, Montana. “It’s important to simultaneously know the psychology approach to trauma, anxiety, depression, addiction, self-esteem issues and to see how Tanya, an illuminated expression of Torah ideals, addresses all of it”.

Chavie emphasizes that mental and emotional health is a real, and growing, dilemma that so many families and individuals are dealing with and, while professionals must be consulted for many aspects of our health, the Alter Rebbe foresaw the foundational issues two hundred years ago and addressed many of them head on; it is truly remarkable.

To sign up for Chavie’s Zoom class: click here.
To see her YouTube channel: click here

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