Reb Yosef Neiman hy”d, the victim of a stabbing attack on Chanukah in Monsey, has passed away.
Reb Yosef was brutally stabbed during a horrific attack on Chanukah at Rabbi Rottenberg’s Shul in Monsey. He was rushed to the hospital where he lay in a coma after suffering a skull fracture. The right side of his body was left fully paralyzed from the brain injury he sustained.
Though doctors were not optimistic about his chances to regain consciousness and the use of his limbs, his family continued to hope for a miracle.
A few weeks after the attack, Neiman starting showing signs of the miracle his family had hoped for; he even regained some movement in his left hand despite it having been severely injured.
Reb Yosef was in and out of the hospital since then and was niftar on Sunday afternoon.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
I am really saddened to hear of the passing of Reb Yossel Nieman. I must share that I rarely go on the computer and as such I never saw a picture of the victims who were nebach hurt at the Chanakah party in Monsey. Today, upon seeing the picture I realized that I knew him well in the past.
Our relationship began in the Kof’s (60’s) when as a bochur Reb Yossel would come weekly to 770 and I would learn Chassdis with him b’chavrusa. Reb Yossel was a talmid in the Satmar Yeshiva in Williamsburg but he had a real strong feeling and interest in Chassidus Chabad. So every Thursday night close to Chatzos he came to learn Chassidus with me for a few hours. Oftentimes on Thursday nights Reb Dovid Raskin would farbreng with the Bochurim and he would join these farbrengens. This continued for quite a few years. Even after he left the Yeshiva we maintained contact. After I moved to Miami on Shlichus I had opportunities to meet him and we both remembered those special nights with joy. He was very involved in distributing the short booklets on Taharas Hamishpacha in many languages. I tried to help by giving him a letter of recommendation to reflect the importance of his work and that the community should give him support. Wishing his family and friends a nechuma and may his Neshama have an aliya.