Monsey Pre1a Boys and Girls Get Their First Siddur

Two parallel Siddur parties for boys and girls in Cheder Chabad Monsey culminated years of learning Alef Beis and how to read.

Two parallel Siddur parties for boys and girls in Cheder Chabad Monsey culminated years of learning Alef Beis and how to read.

The part, held this past Sunday, was a momentous occasion for the pre1a kids and their parents, as each boy and girl received their own siddur for the very first time.

The events started off the event with opening words from Rabbi Brawer and then from Rabbi Lesches the mara d’asra of our community. Rabbi Shusterman presented the siddurim to our students and spoke about the early days of our Cheder. All of our students sang on the stage with such pride and true joy after receiving their siddur.

The school’s administration wished them that their Tefillos always be answered in a revealed way.


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