Monsey Community Farbrengen Led by Guest from Eretz Yisroel

The Chabad community of Monsey gathered for a Yud Beis Tammuz farbrengen, organized by the Cheder and Anash shuls of Pomona, and led by Rabbi Mendel Gluckowsky of Rechovot.

The Chabad community of Monsey gathered for a Yud Beis Tammuz farbrengen, organized by the Cheder and Anash shuls of Pomona, and led by Rabbi Mendel Gluckowsky of Rechovot.

The farbrengen, which addressed Chinuch themes, was also the conclusion of the Chinuch series lectures held over the past weeks.

The farbrengen was held in K’hal Tzemach Tzedek of Monsey. Rabbi Mendel Gluckowsky, Chief Rabbi of Rechovot in Eretz Yisroel, led the farbrengen. Menahel of the Cheder Rabbi Levke Kaplan introduced Rabbi Gluckowsky. Rav Boruch Leshes, the Mara D’asrah, gave divrei bracha at the farbrengen.

Rabbi Gluckowsky inspired the crowd with stories and answers from the Rebbe related to chinuch.

Thanks was given to Hershel Rosenbluh and Yossi Wolfson for arranging.


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