Monsey Cheder Boys Use Their Free Time to Study Minchas Chinuch

For the fourth year, 8th-grade bochurim of Cheder Chabad Monsey have been participating in a weekly Minchas Chinuch shiur given by Rabbi Sender Lustig.

The 8th-grade bochurim of Cheder Chabad Monsey have been participating in a weekly Minchas Chinuch shiur for the 4th consecutive year. 

The shiur, given by Rabbi Sender Lustig the Rosh Mesivta of Mesivta Lubavitch of Monsey, is voluntary and held after school hours on Wednesday evenings.

The Monchas Chinuch‎ is a legal commentary on the Sefer Hachinuch. The Sefer Hachinuch systematically discusses the 613 mitzvos, their source in the Torah, and philosophical underpinnings – while the Minchas Chinuch serves as a halachic commentary through the perspective of the Gemorah and Rishonim.

The bochurim are learning Mitzvah 31 which deals with the halachic intricacies of mitzvas kiddush Shabbos b’devorim.

“We thank Rabbi Lustig for the time and effort he invests in delivering such a beautiful shiur, and wish our bochrim much hatzlocha as they grow in limmud hatorah,” the Cheder’s administration said.


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