Mommy & Me Hamantaschen Decoration at OYYL

This Wednesday, OYYL is inviting the community to a free Mommy & Me Hamantaschen decorating event.

Spend some quality, creative time with your children and join us this Wednesday, 10th of Ador 2/ Mar 20, at 6pm at 333 Albany Ave (between Eastern Pkway and Albany Ave) for an exciting creative event at Yeshivas Oholei Yosef Yitzchok Lubavitch in the heart of Crown Heights.

Children ages 2-7 years, both girls and boys, are welcome to attend with their Moms. Separate seating arrangements will be provided.

The children will get to make their own Hamantashen, choosing their favorite fillings and decorating them with various toppings alongside their mothers, Morah Mila Schneiderman, Morah Sheli Atara Man, and other wonderful staff members from our Yeshiva!

To Join our FREE Mommy & Me HAMENTASH DECOR!🎭

🔗RSVP & save your spot here 👉

Space is limited!!!

ℹFor more info or to sponsor the event, please Whats’sApp

For more information about Chinuch Al Taharas Hakodesh and OYYL vision and mission visit –

We are excited to see you there!

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