Mitzvah Tanks Parade Heads Out to Bring Hope and Light to NYC

Photos: Dovber Hechtman/

Fifteen “Mitzvah Tanks” parade today from Crown Heights to Manhattan as part of a massive campaign of spreading light and good deeds amid the ongoing war in Israel.  

Photos: Dovber Hechtman/

Fifteen “Mitzvah Tanks” parade today from Crown Heights to Manhattan as part of a massive campaign of spreading light and good deeds amid the ongoing war in Israel.  

The impressive convoy of vehicles traveled past Chabad World Headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway before crossing into Manhattan and spreading out to various points throughout the five boroughs where they will offer people to do a Mitzvah.

“Mitzvahs are good deeds, spiritual acts which bring light into the world,” said Rabbi Mordy Hirsch, director of the Mitzvah Tank organization and organizer of the parade. “By encouraging people to do more Mitzvahs and acts of kindness, we are having a profoundly positive spiritual impact on the situation in Israel from our actions over 5,000 miles away,” he said. 

The Mitzvah Campaigns, which were promoted through the “Mitzvah Tank”, were introduced by the Rebbe ahead of the 1967 Six Day War. At that time, when Israel’s existence was under threat, these “tanks” countered the ones that make war with the purpose of spreading goodness and kindness. 

Volunteers on these Mitzvah tanks are stationed at various locations around the city and will encourage passers-by to do acts of kindness, give to charity, and say prayers for peace and security. They also ask Jewish men to put on tefillin, women to light Shabbos candles and families to put a mezuzah on their door.


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