Mitzva Tanks Head Out From Rebbe’s Ohel

Inspired by the Rebbe’s talks during the Six Day War, a fleet of Mivtza tanks headed out from the Rebbe’s Ohel to areas across New York City to help Jews put on tefillin in support of the safety of Eretz Yisroel.

Inspired by the Rebbe’s talks during the Six Day War, a fleet of Mivtza tanks headed out from the Rebbe’s Ohel to areas across New York City to help Jews put on tefillin in support of the safety of Eretz Yisroel.

The entire project was planned and executed in a matters of hours. On Monday morning, just hours after Simchas Torah ended in the Unites States the tanks were already ready to depart with their spiritual weapons on board.

The organizers plan to send the Mitzvah Tanks out every day for the near future, and have created a whatsapp group to coordinate when the mitzvah tanks go out every day and where they will be going. They encourage everyone to join. Click here to join a whatsapp group to volunteer for Mivtzoim.

Special thanks given to LYP group for making it all happen.

If you would like more info you can email [email protected]

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