‘Mipi Olilim’: Over 400 Children Rally In Pomona

Hundreds of children gathered in BMML in Pomona to join in achdus with Torah, tefilla, and tzeddaka at a communal rally.

Adults and children from all around Monsey and Pomona united for a grand rally to daven for the speedy yeshua for the Yidden in Eretz Yisroel.

As during the Yom Kippur War, when the Rebbe requested that the children gather together and learn Torah, daven, and give tzedaka, the children gathered in BMML in Pomona.

The event began with tzedaka. Each child was given a coin to put in a Pushka. Rabbi Pinchas Dovid Weber, the Rav of the shul, shared some opening remarks and words of inspiration.

Rabbi Yechiel Krisch, the organizer of the event and magid shiur in the community, and Rabbi Yisroel Silverstein, a veteran mechanech and magid shiur in the community, led the children in pesukim, tehillim, and further words of inspiration.

As the children filed out of the shul, they each received candies and enjoyed a pizza dinner generously donated by Pies N’ Fries.

By incredible Hashgacha Pratis, Rabbi Krisch led an Igros chabura over the past year that covered the Rebbe’s letters from תשל׳׳ג, and the chabura therefore studied the Rebbe’s response to the Yom Kippur War only weeks ago. It was with this call to action fresh in his mind, that he gathered all the children and had a rally.

The board of BMML was also involved in planning the event. The cmmunity would like to thank Yitzchak Broyde, Eli Cohen, Yisrael D. Friedman, Boruch Van Halem, Mendy Glick, Reuvi Litzman, and Shmueli Tenenbaum for making it happen.

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