Mikvah.org Celebrates Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka

Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka was a deeply refined individual, with an elegance that exemplified her radiant inner beauty. In celebration of the Rebbetzin’s birthday, it’s appropriate to focus on enhancing the experience of the Jewish woman.

A woman of valor. The embodiment of a true Jewish home.

Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka was a deeply refined individual, with an elegance that exemplified her radiant inner beauty. In celebration of the Rebbetzin’s birthday, it’s appropriate to focus on enhancing the experience of the Jewish woman. What better way than to launch a campaign for a platform essential to Yiddishkeit worldwide?

Mikvah.org is every woman’s one-stop shop for a wholesome Jewish home. With the objective to educate and guide women b’kdusha uv’tahara, Mikvah.org provides an abundance of resources for every topic and careful direction for each individual concern.

But it’s more than just that. Mikvah.org brings the mitzvah to life!

50 years ago, the Rebbe established a platform with the intention to encourage every Jewish woman to observe the mitzvah of taharas hamishpacha

In the Rebbe’s words, “It creates a vessel to hold Hashem’s brachos for everything the couple needs and in all aspects of the home.”

What started as an information source in the 70’s has transformed into a dynamic platform and software app, offering practical services for couples and their families worldwide.

Mikvah.org’s podcast features insightful conversations with Rabbonim, community leaders and health professionals, with over 180 episodes and counting!

Mikvah.org’s recently launched helpline provides confidential support for anonymous concerns, a listening ear from woman to woman, and expert guidance toward the necessary Rabbinical channel.

The Mikvah.org calendar is available in multiple languages, granting the opportunity for international usage and ensuring the proper resources for thousands of subscribers.
And the list goes on!

25 Adar holds deep significance at Mikvah.org. It represents the impact and influence of the Jewish woman on her entire family, her community and the world at large .

Today, in commemoration of the Rebbetzin, please join us in expanding our influence! Not just for women across the world, but for the women of our own community.

Give your own daughters, sisters, and friends access to the resources and guidance they deserve.

Support Mikvah.org! Help us continue making the Rebbe’s vision a reality!

Providing Real resources. For Real women. And making a Real impact.

Click here to take part in this tremendous z’chus!


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