Mid-Atlantic Regional Kinus Rejuvenates Local Shluchim

The Regional Kinus Hashluchim for Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia was recently held in Columbia, Maryland.

By Anash.org reporter

The Regional Kinus Hashluchim for Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia was recently held in Columbia, Maryland, and gave Shluchim the opportunity to connect and recharge.

The schedule was carefully designed to include many different topics both b’gashmius and b’ruchnius in a variety of formats, including farbrengens and round table discussions. The kinus was hosted by Rabbi Hillel Baron, under the direction of Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan, director of Chabad-Lubavitch of the Maryland Region, and organized by Rabbi Shneur Najar and by Rabbi Sholom Raichik of Chabad of Upper Montgomery County.

The kinus began on Chof Av with a farbrengen led by Rabbi Yossi Paltiel and dinner. The program continued the next morning with chassidus learning with Rabbi Paltiel, davening, and breakfast before the sessions began. Rabbi Nochum Levin led the first session learning the reshima of Harav Levi Yitzchok Schneerson regarding his arrest and imprisonment, printed in Toras Levi Yitzchok. Rabbi Nachi Shusterman led the next session about new approaches to Chinuch especially as we come closer to the times of Moshiach.

Late in the day the shluchim were able to hear Colonel Rabbi Sanford Dresin, from Aleph Institute, speak about chaplaincy as part of their Shlichus. After a short break for mincha and lunch, the kinus resumed with a roundtable discussion that covered many different elements of shlichus the discussion was moderated by Rabbi Yaakov Kaplan. The other sessions scheduled included topics such as managing anxiety and increasing well-being and how to maximize your efficiency in your shlichus.

The kinus ended with a picture of the group of shluchim and a beautiful banquet that included personal testimony from a baal habos from one of the shluchim and the impact Chabad had on his life. Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan spoke as well and focused on the incredible work and major impacts of the shluchim in the area.

The regional kinusim around the country usually gives shluchim a more tailor-made experience to address the unique challenges and cultures in their communities. It is, of course also used as an opportunity to recharge and reconnect so they can continue to affect their communities in the most effective way possible.

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