Michoel Raskin, 32, AH

Michoel Raskin, a beloved brother, uncle, and friend originally from Melbourne, Australia, passed away suddenly on Friday, 17 Sivan, 5781.

With profound sadness, we share that Michoel Raskin, originally from Melbourne, Australia, passed away suddenly on Friday, Yud Zayin Sivan.

Michoel was a beloved son, brother, uncle, and friend, who cared deeply about his family and friends. 

Michoel is survived by his parents and siblings. The following siblings will be sitting shiva in Crown Heights: 

Sarale Cohen, Yitzchok Raskin, Zalman Raskin, Mendel Raskin, Ita New, Mushkee Wolf, Etty Raskin, Chana Leeba Karp, Sheina Raskin, and Ari Raskin.

The levaya will take place today (Sunday), 4:30 pm at Montefiore Cemetery.

Shiva will take place at 376 Crown Street. The hours for ניחום אבלים will be from 9:30am-12pm and from 7-9pm. 

Shacharis: 9:30 am
Mincha: 7pm
Maariv: 9pm 

Baruch Dayan EmesMichoel ben Yehuda Leib


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