Miami Bochurim Rewarded with Costa Rica Trip

In a remarkable display of dedication and commitment, the bochurim of Miami Zal recently completed a year-long Mivtza centered on learning Shaar HaYichud VeEmunah with all of Reb Yoel Kahn’s shiurim.

The shluchim to Yeshiva Gedolah of Miami led an inspiring trip to Costa Rica as a reward for bochurim completing a year-long Mivtza.

In a remarkable display of dedication and commitment, the Bochurim of Miami Zal recently completed a year-long Mivtza. The Mivtza centered on learning Shaar HaYichud VeEmunah with all of Reb Yoel Kahn’s shiurim, and additional ma’amorim discussing the Achdus Hashem and the world’s creation.

The journey to Costa Rica was the culmination of an intense year of learning and dedication. Recognizing the significance of marking this milestone and the positive impact it would have on the Bochurim’s Ruchniyus growth, the shluchim planned and orchestrated an extraordinary experience that combined adventure, nature, and growth.

The stunning landscapes and lush greenery of Costa Rica provided the perfect backdrop for the purpose of this trip. As the Bochurim explored the country’s natural wonders, they were reminded of the grandeur and complexity of the world that Hashem has created, reminding them of the fundamental teachings of Shaar Yichud VeEmunah especially the very first Perek “Vayodato” “Know this day and take it unto your heart that Hashem is in the Heavens above and upon the earth below; there is none other.”

Throughout the trip, the shluchim organized many fun activities, such as surfing, repelling, ATV’ing, 1 Mile Zip-lining, horseback riding, white-water rafting, snorkeling, and a grand farbrengen with the local shliach Rabbi Levi Telsner.

Undoubtedly, the success of this endeavor would not have been possible without the guidance and unwavering support of the Menahel Rabbi Chaim Stern, who oversaw the growth of the mivtza and the impact that it had on each Bochur.

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