Mesivta Bochurim Celebrate Mastery of Eruvin

Bochurim at the Kingston Mesivta celebrated a siyum of Mesechta Eruvin by all talmidim of the yeshiva, with numerous bochurim learning the entire Mesechta baal peh.

Bochurim at the Kingston Mesivta celebrated a siyum of Mesechta Eruvin by all talmidim of the yeshiva, with numerous bochurim learning the entire Mesechta baal peh.

Mesechta Eruvin was chosen this year to be learned in the Mesivta due to its practical nature and relevance halacha lmaiseh. With the availability of modern visuals, the once-impossible mesechta has become much more accessible.

The bochurim became involved in the practical element and consistently explored various applications lmaiseh. Every two weeks, they published a haaros publication, and a special kovetz for Yud Shvat. Upon concluding the mesechta, some bochurim learned Mesechta Bava Basra.

The siyum and seudas mitzvah event took place at the mesivta and was attended by the bochurim and guests.

Rabbi Tzvi Perlman, longtime shliach of the Rebbe to Kingston, shared stories from his yeshiva years at Bedford and Dean and impressed upon the bochurim the value of being in the Rebbe’s yeshiva and learning Torah.

The siyum was made by Hatomim Hirshy Newman, who had learned the mesechta baal peh. He concluded the Mesechta and shared a hadran of the Rebbe on Eruvin.

Rabbi Yehuda Leib Aronson, mashpia at the yeshiva, spoke of setting goals and making accomplishments in learning.

Rabbi Shimon Hellinger, Rosh Yeshiva, spoke about the special power of limud haTorah and why it’s so central to the life of a bochur.

The bochurim were uplifted and inspired to go into the summer zman with a renewed chayus for learning and achievement.

To register for the coming shnas halimudim, visit

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