Mental Health First Aid Course Offered to Shluchim

After receiving positive feedback from participants of their mental health first aid course, Houston shluchim Rabbi Chaim Lazaroff and Mrs. Gittel Francis are offering the course once again to shluchim and shluchos, free of charge.

After receiving positive feedback from participants of their mental health first aid course, Houston shluchim Rabbi Chaim Lazaroff and Mrs. Gittel Francis are offering the course once again to shluchim and shluchos, free of charge.

“Due to popular demand, we are happy to share with you that we will be hosting more trainings for shluchim and shluchos in Mental Health First Aid,” said Rabbi Chaim Lazaroff.

144 shluchim and shluchos have already taken the mental health first aid course presented by himself and Mrs. Gittel Francis. Numerous shluchim said that they found the course provided valuable tools and guidance for real life, everyday situations.

Due to the positive feedback, they will be offering the course once again to shluchim and shluchos, free of charge. A grant has been secured to cover the $75 cost.

“At first I was quite skeptical about whether I should take this course or not,” said Rabbi Itche Itkin from Kansas City, MO. “I’ve taken many other mental health seminars and they are usually about everything that you’re not allowed to do, and all about calling the right professionals and making sure that you don’t get involved. That’s why I was hesitant to take this course, but I couldn’t have been farther from the truth.

“This is an amazing course with practical guidelines and guidance of how you can actually get involved and give first aid in such a situation. It’s not about what you can’t do, it’s about what you can do and how you can be involved. In the day-to-day life of a shliach, there is not a day that passes that we don’t come across someone that can use some sort of mental first aid and this is probably one of the most important courses that you can take to help your daily shlichus.”

A shlucha said that after taking the course, she feels like she can now safely step up to the plate and help someone as opposed to freezing up and not knowing what to do in a situation.

The course has two components.
Part I: Approximately 2 hours in length and must be completed prior to Part II.
Part II: Approximately 6.5 hours in length and is lead virtually on Zoom by MHFA Certified National Instructors, Rabbi Chaim Lazaroff and Mrs. Gittel Francis.

There will be a 30 minute lunch break.

Once participants complete the course, they will receive a certificate of completion valid for three years from the date of the course.

Limited capacity. Registration is first-come, first-served.

*CEU credits available with prior request.

MEN: Monday, January 10, 2022, 9:00am-3:30 PM CT. Click here to register. Registration closes at capacity or Dec 30.

WOMEN: Monday, February 14, 2022, 9:00am-3:30 PM CT. Click here to register. Registration closes at capacity or Feb 1.


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