‘Menorah of Warmth’ Made of Donated Clothing

Chabad Buckhurst Hill has become known over the years for its unique menorah designs and this year was no different! A menorah of warmth was created with clothing that was donated to local charities after the event.

Chabad of Buckhurst Hill in Essex, UK, directed by Rabbi Odom and Henny Brandman has become known over the years for its exquisite and unique Menorahs.

From the World’s First Whisky Menorah to Chocolate Menorahs, Tombola Menorah, Pearl Menorah, Can Menorah, Candy Menorah, Flower Menorah, and many more, many of which have been featured online over the years!

So, this year, with so much going on in the world, the community ran a campaign to donate warm clothing, hats, scarves, gloves, and coats which was built into a special Menorah of Warmth. Afterward, all the clothes would be donated to a few different charities serving those in need.

Many more clothes than were needed for the Menorah were donated, but the Shluchim were happy to collect everything, organize it all and then pass it on to local charities who were all thankful and eager to join the project. The Menorah was put together with help from the two Shluchos currently working at Chabad Buckhurst Hill, Cheli Gelbshtain & Yonit Paradny.  

Over 150 people came out to witness the Public Menorah Lighting in Buckhurst Hill followed by the Chanukah Party back at the Chabad House with hot salt beef and latkes, crafts for the kids, and the display of the Menorah of Warmth.

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