Menahalim, Mashpiim, and Magidei Shiur to Convene in New York

Maggidei shiurim, mashpiim and Menahalim Chabad Yeshivos will convene next week in New York, for 2 days of discussions and preparations for the coming year.

This coming Tuesday and Wednesday Hanholas Hayeshivos will convene in NY for a ‘Kinus’ to strategize and plan for this coming year.

This yearly Kinus, organized by the Igud Yeshivos Lubavitch under the leadership of Rabbi Mendel Itzinger, for staff of Mesivta Yeshiva Gedola and beyond, lays the foundation for the success of the coming year, and sets out the strategy and plan to ensure that every Bochur is catered for and has all their needs.

In addition to meetings, strategy sessions and goal settings, the agenda includes educational sessions with individual tracks for Magidei Shiur, Mashpiim and Menahalim.

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