Melbourne’s Menorah Convoy Doubles Previous Years

Photos: Zekey Schuller

A grand Chanuka parade menorah lighting took place this past Sunday in Melbourne, Australia arranged the shluchim to Yeshiva Gedola.

Photos: Zekey Schuller

A grand Chanuka parade and menorah lighting took place this past Sunday in Melbourne, Australia arranged the shluchim to Yeshiva Gedola.

The parade began and ended at Caulfield racecourse, where bochurim wrapped hundreds tefillin and distributed hundreds of menorahs with Jews attending Melbourne’s annual Chanukah at the racecourse celebration.

The 100-car-strong menorah convoy was the largest in Melbourne’s history doubling the previous year’s total of 50 cars. The parade drove through the city’s main thoroughfares bringing the light and joy of Chanuka to Melbourne’s diverse Jewish community.

As the Menorah convoy drove through the city streets blasting joyous Chanuka songs, many Jewish residents were drawn from their houses to witness the delightful celebration of Jewish pride.


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