Thousands gathered at the Kosel in Yerushalayim on Monday, Chof Av, for a joyous celebration marking the siyum of the 8th Children’s Torah with music by Nemouel and Eli Marcus.
Design and production: Tzvaim Productions
Photos: Chaim Tuito
Thousands gathered at the Kosel in Yerushalayim on Monday, Chof Av, for a joyous celebration marking the siyum of the 8th Children’s Torah with music by Nemouel and Eli Marcus.
After inscribing the final letters in the historic Tzemach Tzedek Shul in Yerushalayim, the new Torah was led amid joyous singing and dancing to the Kosel HaMaaravi for hakofos.
According to organizers, close to 30,000 people participated in the historic celebration, which brought together Chassidm from across the country. The event was an extraordinary display of achdus among Chassidim; all uniting to fulfill the Rebbe’s directives.
Since the Rebbe announced a new initiative on Yud Alef Nissan 5741, eight Sifrei Torahs have been completed, uniting close to two and a half million Jewish children from every corner of the globe. the entire project is led by the director of Ois B’Sefer Torah, Rabbi Shmuel Greisman.
Fulfill the Rebbe’s request and help cover the steep expenses associated with the siyum.
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