Medical Students Hear the Rebbe’s Teachings on Healing

Jewish students at NYU dental school gathered at Chabad of the Diamond District to reinforce their Jewish values and listen to words of inspiration, including a video of the Rebbe on medicine and healing.

In a sign of Jewish unity, Jewish students at NYU dental school gathered at Chabad of the Diamond District to reinforce their Jewish values and listen to words of inspiration.

“It all started with a phone call,” says dental student Anthony Lallouz, “I reached out to Rabbi Chaim Dray who runs the Chabad in the Diamond District who I know through his activities for the French Speaking Community and mentioned that many of the students that I know were shaken up by the events going on in Israel and the antisemitism happening here in NYC”.

From there, the beautiful event took off, with over 30 students coming to Chabad to enjoy an Israeli-style dinner and a beautiful program.

The students heard words of inspiration from Alpha Omega Dental Society president Dr. Gail Shupak who spoke about the importance of having a proud Jewish presence on campus and around the world, followed by a Dvar Torah by Rabbi Chaim Dray on the importance of helping people smile.

A video of the Rebbe was shown on the responsibility of doctors to heal and be positive, followed by inspiring words on unity by organizer Anthony Lallouz and ending with beautiful singing led by Chazzan Dylan Homapur.

“We are looking forward to the many upcoming events,” said students Noa and Lola.

“It’s so important to gather together and connect these days,” said Michael.

With students from all over the world, from Morocco to L.A., NYU Dental is one of the leading schools in the world and one of the most prestigious ones in the United States.

To be updated on future Chabad events you can follow Chabad of the Diamond District on Instagram at ChabadDiamond or on Chabad’s website,

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