Mayor Adams: Public Schools Need to Duplicate Yeshivas’ Successes

Photo: Benny Polatseck/Mayoral Photography Office

In a speech given Wednesday night, New York City Mayor Eric Adams said that rather than criticize yeshivas, government should strive to duplicate yeshivas’ successes in public school system.

By reporter

In a speech given Wednesday night at a Teach NYS dinner, New York City Mayor Eric Adams said that rather than criticize yeshivas, government should strive to duplicate yeshivas’ successes in public school system.

“We are watching cannabis and fentynal use in parts of out city that we never witnessed before. Overdoses are on the rise, depresion among young people is increasing, suicidal thoughts are increasing. The children are in a state of dispair.”

“Instead of focusing on how we duplicate the success of improving our children, we attack our yeshivas that provide a quality education that is embracing our children. We need to be duplicating what you are achieving,” the mayor said.

Last year, the New York State Board of Regents voted to approve new regulations on secular studies in private schools, compelling each school to prove to state officials that their curriculum is “at least substantially equivalent” to that offered in public schools.

Despite huundreds of thousands of comments — mostly form letters collected by pro-yeshiva organizations including Agudath Israel, PEARLS, Torah Umesorah, Satmar and Chabad — the final regulations remained unchanged.

Teach Coalition, is a project of the Orthodox Union, advocating for equitable government funding for nonpublic schools. They advocate on behalf of approximately 90% of Yeshivah and day school students nationwide.

Earlier this year the mayor remarked that banning public school prayer was a mistake, saying, “When we took prayers out of schools, guns came into schools.”


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  1. Is anyone with connections to the mayor, advocating for a moment of silence in the public schools?

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