Mayor Adams Demands Hostage Release at Chanuka Party

Photos: Dovber Hechtman/

New York City Mayor Eric Adams hosted Jewish community leaders for a Chanuka celebration at Gracie Mansion on Tuesday night, including family members of Israelis held hostage by Hamas, since October 7th.

By reporter
Photos: Dovber Hechtman/

New York City Mayor Eric Adams hosted Jewish community leaders for a Chanuka celebration at Gracie Mansion on Tuesday night. The mayor was honored with lighting the shamesh of a menorah that was molded with the remains of an Israeli license plate from the October 7th terrorist attack at the music festival in southern Israel.

Among the guests were family members of Israelis held hostage by Hamas, since October 7th. Attendees held up posters of their loved ones who have been held in captivity for over two months.

“These posters are not just mere photographs, they are human beings that we all hold our breath until they return to their family members and loved ones that are here,” Adams said, thanking the families for their courage. “Bring the hostages home. Let them return home.”

“Hanukkah tells the story of shining light into darkness — a lesson all too important to remember as hate rears its ugly head around the world today. But there’s no room for hate in New York City and today’s Hanukkah celebration shows that no matter who you are or where you come from, we all have a role to play in standing up for what’s right,” the mayor said.

“I want to be extremely clear as I say to you as the mayor of the city of New York. There’s no room for antisemitism in New York City and there’s no room for hate in New York City,” Adams said to applause from the packed room.

Adams condemned a rise in antisemitism across the world and in New York City since the Oct. 7 attack also clearly exclaimed that Hamas “must be destroyed”.

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