Matza Campaign Honors Legacy of R’ Chaim Gurevitch

The Gurevitch family has launched a campaign to distribute shmurah matza to thousands of Jews, continuing the legacy of their father, Rabbi Chaim Gurevitch a”h, who had a unique passion for Mivtzah Matza.

The campaign to expand the reach of ‘Mivtzah Matza’ to many thousands of Jews in memory of Rabbi Chaim Gurevitch a”h, has relaunched for the second year!

Hundreds of Shluchim have already pledged to reach at least 20 new Jewish people who have never celebrated Pesach with Shmura Matzah before. The goal of the campaign is to reach THOUSANDS of Jews ahead of this Pesach holiday.

The campaign was relaunched, as his family prepares to mark the second Yahrzeit on Gimmel Nissan, and is being coordinated with the help of Avraham Green of the Shluchim Office.

Rabbi Gurevitch energetically dedicated his life to the Rebbe’s Shlichus and Mitzvah campaigns. With his unique passion for Mivtzah Matzah, he would leave no stone unturned, ensuring that everyone in his global circle of acquaintances had Shmurah Matzah for the Pesach Seder.

“It is so painful, yet at the same time, so meaningful that his tragic and untimely passing came about in the midst of the very act of Matzah distribution,” his children said.

To honor Rabbi Gurevitch’s legacy and expand his dream of reaching many Jews with this precious Mitzvah, Shluchim have been encouraged to pledge to reach even more Jews and will receive 20 boxes of Matzah subsidized by the campaign.

To join family and friends in honoring Rabbi Gurevitch’s great legacy, click here to participate in the campaign.

Click here to make a donation towards this campaign.


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